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Disclosure of Oversight


Disclosure of Oversight for Broadstreet, Inc.

The entire Broadstreet universe is comprised of many business lines, divisions, investments and verticals. The general format of operations recognizes that the Broadstreet Global Fund is a Delaware limited liability company that operates multiple subseries and each subseries is a different business vertical. For example, infrastructure is a business vertical in which we participate involving homebuilding developments with some of the largest home builders in the USA. Investor monies are received through the Broadstreet Global Fund and investors select which subseries/business vertical that they are interested in pursuing.

Broadstreet, Inc. is an entity that is involved with overseeing the various operating businesses with which we invest and/or participate with certain key related entities that provide services such as development, land acquisition, operational expertise and such other skills and services necessary for our various business lines to operate. At the top of the oversight of our numerous businesses is Broadstreet, Inc. This entity does not accept money from outside investors and provides the oversight component of operating businesses and divisions. Broadstreet, Inc., besides the many businesses for which it participates, such as infrastructure development, self-storage development, etc., also maintains a role in monitoring separate individual divisions such as insurance, family office, securities, and investment advisory.

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